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Mohs Surgery


Active Member

I am in an online review class offered by the AAPC. I am studying Mohs Surgery and am having trouble understanding how to code it. If anyone is really good at coding this particular surgery, could you briefly explain how to code it? If there are any good articles on how to code it, could you direct me to those as well? I did get the Blitz videos also. Laureen did go over this briefly but I am having trouble understanding it.



Alicia Scott

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Jane I thought we had a good YouTube clip for Mohs because we have talked about it a lot in our Q&A webinars. There are specific codes for Mohs surgery. We also teach the AAPC curriculum so if you tell me which question you are struggling with we can go over it.

Tell me the question and what your thoughts are.


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Is there a way to PM you? The terms and agreements to the course are kind of specific. I don't want to get in trouble for posting the question. If you have the Medical Coding Training: CPC 2014 textbook its p. 233 #3. I'm just having trouble knowing how many codes to assign based on tissue blocks and stages. I was not aware that there was a you tube video on the subject. I will definitely look for it. I really appreciate the help.



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Thank you Laureen for the link. I did search on you tube but all I could find was the April 2012 Q and A. Mohs was discussed but not what I needed (I needed more of a how to). I think I will watch the blitz video again to try to get it. I am definitely thinking about the replay club because I heard that there is some valuable E/M information there (another subject I have struggled with). Again thanks for the help.